I stank up the joint (my vocals, the bass was fine) after a near perfect dress rehearsal the prior Wednesday. Can't even reflect further. I kind of never want to sing again and I'm really, realy depressed.
And also...blew out my bass amp. Total stress and financial despair has ensued.
Here are some disturbing photos of RS snapped at the show. It is possible that his neck vein may actually explode at some gig in the future. I'm glad we've all had fair warning now.

Well...ok...maybe a little reflection. Problems with vocal related to:
1. Not being able to hear myself despite the PA/monitor probably being fine. I think my brain gets to a certain level of input from my ears and then shuts down. Made me pitchy and I strained my voice trying to sing loud enough to hear myself...which made it impossible to hit low quiet notes cause I was all scratchy. Bass being effed up probably also messed me up, since I couldn't hear it clearly (I probably relate my vocal to bass notes whether I know it or not).
2. Too much beer. We arrived (as requested) 4 hours before going on. Big problem. I knew it was a mistake even as I was doing it. Stupid.
3. Voice is still super weak after many months of chronic cough. Low notes are so hard.
Beyond my craptastic vocal performance...
I had an above average number of people come up to me after the show to tell me how awesome the band is. While that is very cool, what comes with it is not. Most had Kim Deal related comments as per usual. People really need to get a grip. One said "Kim Deal rocks so hard because she's not feminine" which kind of made me want to punch the person in the face. They probably meant it in a "good" way, but gender presentation ought to have nothing to do with the ability to rock. And while I find Kim Deal a handsome women indeed...I wouldn't exactly say she isn't feminine. What does that even MEAN? And what are you trying to say to me? SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP! Really, "I enjoyed the show" is all anyone ever needs to say to a musician. Leave your personal opinions and baggage about gender, music, and people at home. And ps, I'm an introvert. I really don't want to talk to strangers in a public place...particularly after I just put myself up on stage in front of you. I already feel like you stole my soul right out of my body. All I want is to go hide in a corner, really. Leave me alone.
The 99% of musicians who want to be the center of attention and to be told how awesome they are is probably throwing people off...
I know. I'm a jerk and hard to figure out.
It's been a rough week.
Here's a video in which I screw up Debaser in at least three places (bass, vocals, structure...what have you):
Where Is My Mind?
Nimrod's Son
Here Comes Your Man
Trompe le Monde
Something Against You
Palace of the Brine (slower deep cuts seemed to bum out the 20-something crowd)
Letter to Memphis
Levitate Me (this was a request)
Monkey Gone to Heaven
Manta Ray
Gouge Away
Wave of Mutilation (cause we were at a Wisconsin Wave fundraiser...NOT because of the recent tsunami in Japan)
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