Legends, 7/9
We played a sports bar on the west side as a post-golf outing event. We opened for ska band 4 Aspirin Morning, who rock. We played every Drain song I know on an outdoor stage next to a sand volleyball court. It was hot and bright and threatening to rain. The show got started about a half hour late and that meant way too much free beer was drank. Still, the show went well. I was really unhappy with the tone of my drums, which led to me retuning them before the next show to much better results. We got $150 total and free beer. They were supposed to feed us, but the buffet was put away before we could get to it. The show, as a whole, was far less obnoxious than I'd anticipated.

Legends, 7/9 Setlist
Set One:
Future Song
Bodies A Burnin
Haven't Seen U Lately
It's Alright
Sent It
Show Someone
One Is For Man
Vacuum Man
Set Two:
At the Door
Gotta Tell U
Easy Life
Going Down the Drain
Gun in Your Grave
Better N Better
Kiss U Kill U
Whole Damn World
Movin On
Mickey's, 7/23
We headlined (read: played really late) with Venus In Furs and The Type. It was hot as hell. I didn't drink at all. The show got started late but we got back on track. NH, from Venus In Furs, managed to break not one, but two strings on her bass (her bass and the borrowed backup bass, actually). I've never seen that happen before. Twan replaced both with used strings he had. I was super tired from doing Girls Rock Camp all that week and it being our busy season at work. I'm told we played everything too fast...but I just felt a little sloppy...like my brain and arms weren't quite connecting. All three bands used my drum kit, and since I'd just tuned it, they all thought it sounded great. I was getting close to thinking that I couldn't make that kit sound good, but now I think it is just fine for the foreseeable future. Like an ass, the next day I did GRC showcase and then drove to and back from Chicago to see Kelley Deal play...and it took me about three days to recover from all of that and feel human again, even though I didn't drink for a week.
Mickey's, 7/23 Setlist
At the Door
Gotta Tell U
Going Down the Drain
Easy Life
Better N Better
Sent It
It's Alright
Bodies A Burnin
Movin On
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