Charlie Watts (Rolling Stones)
After the show that The Lollards played at Electric Earth a few years ago CSF and another fellow that worked with MF came up to me, shitfaced drunk (which is not a particular surprise) and announced, many, many times that my drumming reminded them of Charlie Watts. At the time I really didn't know what to make of that...what it meant. I think that they meant it as a complement...but now, after having asked around, I think it was an insult. I think what it meant was that I was a simple drummer...and not necessarily in a good way. Given, though, that show was on Friday, January 26, 2007...I don't feel too bad. I purchased my drums over xmas/New Year's break January 2006...prior to which I knew nothing about playing drums. So to be compared to Charlie Watts, even as a slight, just about exactly one year after the first time I put sticks to heads...I guess that isn't bad.
Here's a picture of that show:

This morning on my way to work I listened to The Stone's Let It Bleed. It is my favorite one of their records (and the cover art is awesome). Ironic that I would pick this morning to listen to this, I guess (see previous post). I listened to it on shuffle...which allowed me to get out of pre-conceived notions a bit. Yes, Watts is basic. But it works. Anything more might have over-shadowed the work. What's more...if you listen close, it isn't as basic as it sounds at first. Case in point, the song "Let It Bleed." I could play that beat no least something that approximates that beat and that 75% of people would identify as that beat. But he's doing something more complicated than what it seems on the surface. I really need to slow it down and dissect it. It will take some practice to master exactly. In particular the thing that is so subtle and interesting is a buzz sound on the snare hits. He's bouncing the stick ever-so-much. I don't/can't do that yet.
This performance isn't the same as the recording...but here's a video of the song anyway if you don't know it:
And...courtesy of is the recording that I listened to this morning and of which I speak.
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