Thursday, December 18, 2014

10/11/2014 CJ at Mickey's

with Gentle Brontosaurus. We played the night before the Pixies played Madison.

Setlist to come.

TD 8/16/2014 Mickey's

with Red Tape Diaries and Perverse Engineer

Setlist to come

TD 11/8/2014 at Mickey's

Played with Indonesian Junk and Neens.

Setlist to come.

TD 12/17/2014 at HNS

w/ Neens and Gentle Brontasaurus. There was a white elephant gift exchange. Turn out was ok for a Wed night but nothing outrageous.

I played great (was well rehearsed). Mental note to bring shorts next time, sweaty pants kept restricting my kick leg. Johnny Sucrose borrowed my kit and said he liked the way the kit was tuned.

Setlist to come.