Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lessons, Week 61

I highjacked class by asking for help with 16th notes on the high hat at 157 bpm ala Everlong. We talked about getting my left hand in shape...basically copying what my right hand is doing, which is finally mostly correct technique (using fingers instead of wrist, thumb on top...I've become a fan of French grip and he said that's ok). Trying not to tense up...stay relaxed and don't overhit. He also talked about possibly lowering high hat to get to snare on 2/4. Or just trying to do as little motion as possible. And keeping hh clutched tight to keep sound crisp. Also, as I thought, playing not on edge, but more in middle of the cymbal. He also recommended putting a mirror to watch that right and left hands were playing same way. AND...this was a great idea...starting to play my basic rock beats with left hand on high hat and right hand on snare. At least until my left hand gets in shape. This is a super idea on so many levels. It will not only build my left hand coordination, but build independence in general and open up lots of different kinds of avenues for playing. He had me do this on a few songs.

I played Everlong at practice later that night, an altered version with most of the high hat stripped out. The guys didn't seem to mind. It's gonna take a while to build it into a full part. But I think I can get there if I just keep working at it.

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