Friday, March 7, 2014

TD, 3/6/2014, Mr R

We picked up a somewhat last minute show with Red Tape Diaries and Tween Wolf at Mr Roberts. DISTORTION THURSDAYS! Against my better judgement I asked to share drum kit and bass rig. Though it arrived 20 minutes later than I would have liked, the kit was decent and felt pretty good to play. The hi hat stand really had a nice feel. I've been thinking lately about lowering/flattening my setup and raising my throne. There was a little of that going on here. I had earplugs in and couldn't really hear the bass drum (which was really muffled heavily with a tight batter head that sort of hurt my knee) but the boys said they could hear it great. It did have a really focuses sound. AS played through a little 240W G-K combo that sounded a little pathetic but worked. There was the usual bs about mics/cables/stands and us trying to get out of there with all of our equipment. Since RS stopped having Fridays off and AS got a real job...we all seem to have a license to act like old-old men and go home super early. We're dicks.

We actually played pretty outstandingly. I had a sort of "I really don't give a shit about this gig" attitude going on, and as a result I was more relaxed than normal. I'm settling more and more into playing drums sober and am SO grateful for it.

A drunk guy who's birthday it was shook my hand and asked me if we'd play an Alan Jackson song. I said that we only played originals. He was very insistent that he didn't know anything about what kind of music we played, but could we please play an Alan Jackson song. I smiled and slid away as soon as possible. When we took the stage AS gave the dude a shout out, so I think he was talking to everyone.

1 is for man
Hold U
Easy Life
Some Delirium
At the Door
Gotta Tell
Sent It

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