Monday, June 9, 2014

Update on Breeders recordings

Steady progress. Was thinking Friday morning that it would be cool to have all of Last Splash done and be able to create an album order playlist. Was shocked this had not occurred to me before. So I started and finished Mad Lucas, Roi Reprise, and Driving on 9 all over the weekend. Also re-recorded drums for New Year (better but still not great) and posted all four. This leaves only "Off You" of the original 15 tunes I started undone...and only SOS undone off Last Splash. I recorded most of SOS this weekend too, including the bass line that's been giving me fits for months (it is pretty close, but still not convinced it is "right"). Mostly I just have to get down the vocals and the KeD morse code thing, which is less straight forward rhythmically than I'd thought (sometimes it follows the morse code pattern and sometimes not-so-much).

Highlights of the weekend were whipping out ye olde violin, nary touched for almost ten years and barely touched even back in the day, and producing not entirely offensive sounds with it. Also set the Vox amp to tremelo reverb and got a decent approximation of the Mad Lucas vocal effect.

The songs are coming more easily now, which I supposed shouldn't surprise me as all things come more easily the more that you do them. It DOES feel a bit like I've unlocked some mystery key that was blocking me even just a few weeks ago. I'm beginning to understand their language.

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