Friday, May 16, 2014

Breeders Trib Update

I had kind of given up on the damn thing and decided it would go down as incomplete. I think that hearing my own voice on "tape" was a very discouraging thing.  And the guitar stuff just seemed insurmountable.

But sometimes one gets a second wind.

So last night I added guitar parts for about 3 songs and started messing with editing the drum parts on New Year (they are mostly correct, but my time is just slightly off in a section and I started a fill too soon, so I figured it was a good opportunity to learn how to edit things. I could try replaying a clean performance, but the learning factor is high for fixing it with editing. This would make KiD crazy, but it is a good skill for me to have since I can't afford an "All-Wave" analog tape setup and a professional engineer. Digital is just easier and since it is all just for fun anyway, totally good enough).

I ended up being pleased enough with Cannonball to quietly post it online. I'm particularly pleased with myself that I learned how to crank on guitar with muted strings via trial and error over a period of less than a half hour. I'm learning lots of things.

I'm not good with editing or perfecting things. I like to get them done, however hairy, and move on. It can make them embarrassing to share, but it is just my way. I am not a detail person. I am not a hospital corners person. Get it done and get out. And so it is with this project like all others. It will bother me until it is done...but my version of done probably will feel like most other people's first drafts.

And those people will never finish anything in their lives.

My philosophy on most things in life is perfectly expressed by The Cult of Done Manifesto:
-There are three states of being. Not knowing, action and completion.
-Accept that everything is a draft. It helps to get it done.
-There is no editing stage.
-Pretending you know what you're doing is almost the same as knowing what you are doing, so just accept that you know what you're doing even if you don't and do it.
-Banish procrastination. If you wait more than a week to get an idea done, abandon it.
-The point of being done is not to finish but to get other things done.
-Once you're done you can throw it away.
-Laugh at perfection. It's boring and keeps you from being done.
-People without dirty hands are wrong. Doing something makes you right.
-Failure counts as done. So do mistakes.
-Destruction is a variant of done.
-If you have an idea and publish it on the internet, that counts as a ghost of done.
-Done is the engine of more.

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