Tuesday, May 22, 2012

John McVie

I'm thinking alot about working on my bass scales and learning to write better bass lines. I've become a decent copy cat...but I've got no theory to develop my own lines really. Kim is a grand gal and all, but I don't feel like she is a great example to follow. Or at least...I guess I know all that I'm gonna know about her playing at this point.

I've been listening to Fleetwood Mac and I really like what John McVie does. It isn't crazy fancy...but it feels a bit more complex than what Kim Deal has got going on. And I know McVie was a blues player for some time, so he's got that theory behind him. He's a good supportive player. That's all I want to be. A good supportive player...but I want to do a bit more than root note 8th notes.

I'm looking for how to play Blue Letter...but no luck yet. Here's You Make Lovin' Fun explained ad nasium.

So yeah...I'm still in copy cat mode...but my mind is in a different set. I'm trying to learn the theory behind what he's doing...not just copy it.

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