Monday, January 28, 2013


It should be noted that I have heard back multiple reports from the show last Wednesday and people were universally either impressed we how we dealt with or oblivious to my own personal hell that unravelled (and subsesquently sent me into a deep depression for several days and had me pondering giving up performing entirely). There was also a fair amount of "the guitar sounded great in the house as a bass." The lesson I ought to take from all of this is the lighten up. But of course the lesson I am taking is...people are idiots who don't pay attention or know what they are listening to and WHY THE HELL DO I BOTHER TO BUY AND DRAG AROUND NICE EQUIPMENT IF ANY PIECE OF SHIT RUN THROUGH THE HOUSE PA WILL WORK JUST FINE. As a compromise...I may...MAY...try to take away that I shouldn't get so invested at least...cause it really doesn't fucking matter to anyone but me anyway.

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