Friday, February 1, 2013

Last Bass Lesson 1/31/2013

As mentioned recently, I decided to quit taking bass lessons.  I had started taking them on a whim so I guess it isn't surprising that I would stop basically on a whim too.  The last lesson was a little disjointed, but mostly what I got out of it was a tip to make Came Out of a Lady easier to play (barre with first finger instead of second, use 2nd/3rd/4th to press down together for the high note, and generally don't worry about it, it is an ornament)...and we talked about strategies for memorizing...including playing without the recording, slowing down the part, singing the part and trying to match what I'm playing to what I'm singing rather than trying to match what I'm playing to the movie in my head of the written notes going by, and...of course again...don't worry about it. Hit the prominent notes and if the rest gets screwed up who cares?

The bass lesson experience was useful right at the time that I needed it. But I'm ready to fly solo for awhile and maybe not fret so much about the outcome.

In the end she feels more like a mentor and friend than a private lesson teacher. And I think that I ought to keep using her as such...that when questions or uncertainty arises that I just email her and say "hey let's get together to chat". And I'll throw her 25 bucks.

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