Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Singing Class

Originally this blog was about the drums. Then I added bass stuff cause...well it's still the rhythm section. Now I'm adding voice...cause...well it's my fricking blog.

Attended my first "Singing for Screamers" class last night with MDP. I wasn't sure if I'd like the class. The last two classes I took through continuing music education I was pretty disappointed with. The instructors seemed knoweledgable...but unprepared to teach. Disorganized. I felt like they were wasting my time. I wanted them to have an outline...materials to hand out...a direction to head. But they wandered aimlessly. Which, frankly, I could do on my own. My second concern was that I've always kind of disliked the band that MDP is in. I don't like the style of music they play and her stage demeanor is...well...just not my cup of tea. I wondered if I'd be able to take a class from her effectively.

Time will tell, I guess, but if the first class was any indication...this will be useful and relatively pleasant.

MDP was VERY well organized. She's been teaching related classes for 8 years (though this is the first time with this particular focus). She had a study cd all ready for us (at a cost of $15, which I don't begrudge her, but the course description ought to mention that you will be required to purchase this). And it wasn't just a generic cd, it was one she'd crafted just for our topic. I'm sure it draws heavily from the cds that she uses in her other classes, but at least she took the time to reorganize the material and put a new cover on it.

She got right down to business. Gave us a brief, but detailed, background on how she came to teaching...and took all of our info on where we're at and what we're trying to do. She really listened to what each person said and tried to tailor her response comments to their situation. She gave us a good idea how to prepare for each class (listen to the cd...and that we should prepare a song to work on) and told us what to do if we arrive to class early, which she highly recommended.

She's a little new-age-y...which isn't my favorite...but I think she's appropriately applying it to the philosophy of singing...which is tied in closely with the breath. She talked about singing out of your third eye...which was a red flag for me...but when I mentioned this to RS he said that other vocal coaches that he's had in the past have talked about "singing out the top of your head"...which is essentially the same thing. So this must just be part of the shpeal.

Her demeanor was good. Very casual. Very..."anybody can sing...singing is awesome...we're gonna help you reach your potential."

So...yeah...high hopes. Obviously it is only a 5 week there's only so much we can accomplish...but the cd effectively extends the class for as long as we choose. And she teaches other classes (and perhaps private lessons) so if I find it to be useful, there's a way to revisit.

In any case, the first session has revived my faith in the UW continuing music education program...and in music instruction in general.

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