Friday, March 30, 2012

Love and Rockets

So I find myself compelled by external forces to investigate the bass stylings of David J. Why I can't say yet.

Love and Rockets is a band that I never paid much attention to. I was aware, as everyone was, of the song So Alive...and when pressed after the fact I suppose I had also heard No New Tale to Tell.

My biggest memory of Love and Rockets though is that there was the gang of half a dozen guys that I went to high school with. It was unclear if they were goths or druggies or what. But they made a big show out of being cool. One of them, who's name I forget but who always had long diagonal cut blond bangs hanging in his face, had a t-shirt that had the cover of Love and Rockets Earth Sun Moon album on it. That's how I remember him. Always.

Other than that I ignored the band. I knew that they were an off-shoot of Bauhaus...and that Peter Murphy was involved somehow. But that's it. And that's pretty much that Love and Rockets is essentially Bauhaus without Peter Murphy. And a little poppier and brighter.

A quick listen and I don't think the bass lines will trip me up...and if they do we live in an age where you can learn to play a song from a video game:

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