Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lars Ulrich

This video today reminded me that I'm past due looking into Metallica (note, not their drummer here):

I was a heavy metal fan for about a year in high school...pretty lame heavy metal that consisted mostly of Tesla and Def Leppard...which came completely out of a concert I saw with a girl I liked...and a boy I came to like. Aside from that, I've steered clear of metal.

I have come to absorb through osmosis that one of the best of the genre, and one of the longest lived, is Metallica...who's drummer is Lars Ulrich.

What I've learned about metal drumming is that it is fast, loud, and complicated. And that much of it hinges on the use of a double bass drum pedal. None of this particularly interests me...yet anyway.

Here's Ulrich playing a solo.

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