Monday, October 19, 2009

The Nod on The Urban Theatre

Stumbled across The Nod on The Urban Theatre last night. Was hoping there was video online, but it looks like it isn't up yet (the show seemed to have originally aired Oct 15th). Frankly hard to tell because the search function at this site kind of sucks. I'm actually pretty surprised that the show doesn't seem to have its own website...but there you go.

Again, the value of actually watching a drummer is just huge. The show, of course, only caught fleeting glimpses of the drummer (because apparently showing the singer's head is more interesting than watching someone play an instrument), but there were some key things I saw that answered big questions I've had about some of the riffs. I really wish I could watch him play the whole set, but since he's leaving the band, I may never know what he did exactly on that EP.

Speaking of which, seeing the drummer on tv (Alex Murrell, their original drummer and the one featured on the EP) made me realize that he's probably who was playing at the Library Mall gig a few weeks ago (I thought it was their new drummer, but it seems now like it was the old drummer with shorter hair than I'd seen in photos). This makes me feel better about the world. I was having a really hard time seeing a guy play "The States" pretty much perfectly after having joined the band just a day or two beforehand. Made me feel like a loser since I'd been working on the song pretty hard for a few weeks and hadn't mastered it yet. Make no mistake, I'm sure whoever they've picked is light years ahead of my skills...but it is reassuring to know that they didn't chose to debut him so quickly. It is good to know that everyone needs practice and rehearsal.

LATER EDITION TO POST: Oh, and the funniest thing was that John Urban (a former DJ with plenty of exposure to different music and bands) said that The Nod had a really unique sound. Which cracked me up after Dane101 basically said they were a rip off of a bunch of other bands. Don't listen to your critics...and don't believe your own hype...good rules of thumb.

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